Privacy & Terms

Stansfield Eustace & Co Privacy and Terms as at the 23rd May 2018


The website that you have accessed at is provided by Stansfield Eustace & Co Ltd (“SE&Co Ltd”). This website and all social media platforms connected to SE&Co Ltd will be subject to the Terms and Conditions detailed below. SE&Co Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales under registration number 8874047 and its registered office is at 12 Marlow Workshops, Calvert Ave, London E2 7JN.

These Terms and Conditions, your use of this website and any SE&Co Ltd social media platforms and any matters arising out of or connected to such use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. You and we submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

By accessing this website you agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions; if you disagree with any of the Terms and Conditions please stop accessing the website. Your continued use of the website will be deemed to be your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.

SE&Co Ltd may amend these Terms and Conditions and any parts of its website or social media platforms at any time.

We suggest that you also download, print and/or save a copy of the Terms and Conditions for future reference purposes.

Access to the website is upon a temporary basis and we reserve the right to remove and/or suspend it or content on the website for maintenance or amendments. You agree not to: (i) use the information contained on our website or on any of our social media platforms and/or (ii) amend content so that it may be deemed by us or any reasonable user to be abusive, threatening, obscene, defamatory or otherwise potentially harmful to any entity and/or any person.

Information, pictures and content contained on our website or any of our social media platforms is provided for reference only. You may obtain, download and/or print off any relevant contact information in order to contact us and you may forward this information to any relevant third party. You agree, however, that other than as permitted by the preceding sentence content may not be downloaded, reproduced, copied, republished or distributed without our prior written permission. This may be obtained by addressing a request to one of our directors, Abby Turner, who can be contacted on the following email address or contacted in writing by addressing the letter for her attention to the following address Stansfield Eustace & Co, 12 Marlow Workshops, Calvert Ave, London E2 7JN.

Any queries regardingSE&Co Ltd, its website or social media platforms or these Terms and Conditions may be addressed to one of our directors Abby Turner, who can be contacted on the following email address or contacted in writing by addressing the letter for her attention to the following address Stansfield Eustace & Co, 12 Marlow Workshops, Calvert Ave, London E2 7JN.

Privacy & Cookies

Purpose of this privacy notice
This privacy notice aims to give you information on how SE&Co Ltd collects and processes your personal data through your use of this website, including any data you may provide through this website.

Stansfield Eustace & Co Ltd (Company No: 8874047) is the controller and responsible for your personal data (collectively referred to as SE&Co Ltd, “we”, “us” or “our” in this privacy notice). We have appointed a data privacy manager who is responsible for overseeing questions in relation to this privacy notice. Please send any queries to the data privacy manager using the details below.

Our full details are:

  • Full name of legal entity: Stansfield Eustace & Co Ltd
  • Name or title of data privacy manager: Meg Lawrence
  • Email address:
  • Postal address: 12 Marlow Workshops, Calvert Ave, London E2 7JN

Changes to the privacy notice and your duty to inform us of changes
This version was last updated on 23rd May 2018. It is important that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your personal data changes.

Cookie Statement
Occasionally, we may gather information about your computer (not identifying you personally) to improve our services, and to provide statistical data regarding the use of our Website – about our visitors and their use of our site.

We may gather information about your general Internet use by using a cookie file that is downloaded to your computer. Where used, these cookies are downloaded to your computer automatically.  This cookie file is stored on the hard drive of your computer as cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer’s hard drive.

They help us to improve our Website and the service that we provide to you.

All computers have the ability to decline cookies. This can be done by activating the setting on your browser which enables you to decline the cookies.

Please note that should you choose to decline cookies, you may be unable to access particular areas of our Website.